Nike 50-mm Rubber Bumper Plates – Pair
artikelnr N-PBAK-1005
Detaljer: Nike 50-mm Rubber Bumper Plates – Pair
- Ideal for a variety of weighted exercises
- Manufactured with pure rubber – protects your floors and reduces noise when dropped
- Ideal for bodybuilding or powerlifting
- Weights ranging from 5–25 kg
- Compatibel with all Nike Shield barbells and any barbell with 50-mm sleeves
- Thickness: 27–86 mm depending on the weight
- Weight precision: +/- 1%
- Bounce: low, durometer: 88 +/- 3
- Plates sold in pairs
- For exercises where weights are commonly dropped, like a clean and jerk, the 5-kg plates must not be dropped alone. Only drop weights in combination with at least the 10-kg bumper plates.
Produktbeskrivning: Nike 50-mm Rubber Bumper Plates – Pair
The Nike 50-mm Rubber Bumper Plates – Pair are the right choice for a wide range of strength exercises. The pure rubber coating protects your floors and equipment from damage and dampens the sound when dropping or setting down the barbell. These bumper plates were put through rigorous durability tests, sustaining 10,000 drops during their development phase to prove they can take it. These bumper plates have shown to be incredibly rugged and optimally suited for intense workouts. They can be used with the premium-coated Nike Shield barbells or any 50-mm barbell.
The Nike Bumper Plates come in sleek black with the Nike Swoosh and weight embossed in white. The plates are sold in pairs and come in five different weights from 5 to 25 kg so you can always find the right weight for any exercise and fitness level.
* For exercises where the bar is commonly dropped, deadlifts for example, the 5-kg plates mustn’t be dropped on their own. They need to be combined with at least 10-kg plates.
The Nike Bumper Plates come in sleek black with the Nike Swoosh and weight embossed in white. The plates are sold in pairs and come in five different weights from 5 to 25 kg so you can always find the right weight for any exercise and fitness level.
* For exercises where the bar is commonly dropped, deadlifts for example, the 5-kg plates mustn’t be dropped on their own. They need to be combined with at least 10-kg plates.
Garantivillkor: Nike 50-mm Rubber Bumper Plates – Pair
För privatkonsumenter gäller garantin enligt konsumentköplagen
The manufacture does not offer any additional manufacturer warranty / guarantee.
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Nike 50-mm Rubber Bumper Plates – Pair Tillbehör
- Nike 50-mm Change Plates – Pair
i lager
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finns tillgänglig fr o m vecka 10
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Manufacturer Information
Tillverkningsinformationen inkluderar adressen och relaterad information till tillverkaren av produkten.- Dimension 6
Valkenboskade 613
2563JG Den Haag
The Netherlands - +31 7231 -4940
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