Taurus Premium Doorway Pull-Up Bar

artikelnr TF-PUBDP
i lager
3x fantastiskt
Frakt: 150,00 kr
Leverans per UPS


Gäller t.o.m. 2025-02-17

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RRP 982,00 kr
tidigare pris 829,00 kr
nu 679,00 kr
30 dagars bästa pris 679,00 kr

  • Chin-up bar that easily hooks into a doorframe
  • Many exercises:
    • Chin-up bar for a doorway: pull-ups with various hand positions, knee and leg lifts
    • Place the bar on the ground for dips, press-ups, sit-ups and crunches
  • Multiple grip options to focus on different muscle groups
  • No tools necessary, neither for the assembly of the bar nor the installation in a doorframe
  • Soft foam padding: more comfort and prevents sweaty hands from slipping
  • Max. user weight: 150 kg | This weight refers to the load-bearing capacity of the pull-up bar, itself. Please also consider the integrity of the doorframe.
  • Multiple settings to adjust for different doorjamb depths
  • Rubber pads to minimise wear on the doorframe
  • dimensioner i uppställt läge - Taurus Premium Doorway Pull-Up Bar: (L) 57 cm x (B) 101 cm x (H) 25 cm

Premium pull-up bar that simply hooks onto a doorframe

Having a chin-up bar in a doorway makes training your back, biceps, triceps and even abs especially convenient. Try exercise variations with different hand positions or do leg lifts to strengthen your abdominal muscles. You can easily take down the pull-up bar and place it on the ground to perform dips or compliment the pulling exercises with press-ups to work your chest and triceps.

Multiple grip options for maximum training efficiency

Whether you want to target your back, biceps, shoulders or core, this pull-up bar offers you narrow, neutral and wide grip options to effectively hit various muscle groups. Soft foam padding on each grip position doesn’t just provide comfort but also help you maintain a sure grip on the bar for added safety and performance during a sweat-inducing workout.

Super easy installation

No tools? No problem! The bar is designed to securely fit most standard door frames, making the setup process a breeze. Just hang it in the doorframe. No drilling or gluing for a permanent installation required.
Taurus Premium Doorway Pull-Up Bar UtmärkelserTaurus Premium Doorway Pull-Up Bar UtmärkelserTaurus Premium Doorway Pull-Up Bar Utmärkelser


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Manufacturer Information

Tillverkningsinformationen inkluderar adressen och relaterad information till tillverkaren av produkten.
  • Fitshop GmbH
    Flensburger Straße 55
    24837 Schleswig
  • +49 04621 42100
  • info@fitshop.de
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