Taurus MS40 Pro Folding Multi Smith and Cable Machine

artikelnr TF-MS40
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3x fantastiskt
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39 995,00 kr

  • All-in-one functional trainer with pin-selected weight stacks – no additional plates or bars required
  • Free-standing Smith machine with cable pulleys and a folding mechanism
  • After your workout, fold the pulley guide rails inwards in only a few simple steps, cutting the machine's footprint in half
  • Guided barbell (Smith machine) is connected to the weight stacks – no extra weight plates required
  • Two weight stacks with 90 kg each and a ratio of 1:2 for fine resistance adjustments and more cable length for exercises with a wide range of motion
  • 30 different height settings for the barbell / pulleys
  • Instructional poster showing the most important exercises you can do on the MS40 Pro
  • Chin-up bar with various grip options including boulder grips
  • Deep row connection point with footplates for seated rows using both weight stacks simultaneously
  • Advantages of weight stacks over round plates:
    • No storage concerns
    • Quick weight adjustments, e.g. for circuit training or drop sets
  • Both weight stacks can be used simultaneously with the long bar
  • Height of the Smith bar / pulleys:
    • Highest: barbell 192 cm | pulleys 182 cm
    • Lowest: barbell 42 cm | pulleys 36 cm
  • max belastning: 150 kg
  • dimensioner i uppställt läge - Taurus MS40 Pro Folding Multi Smith and Cable Machine: (L) 125 cm x (B) 120 cm x (H) 220 cm
    nedfällt/ihopfällt - Taurus MS40 Pro Folding Multi Smith and Cable Machine: (L) 60 cm x (B) 120 cm x (H) 220 cm

Taurus MS40 Pro: the space-saving, all-in-one solution to your strength training needs

The Taurus MS40 Pro Folding Multi Smith and Cable Machine is the perfect choice for anyone seeking a compact, practical and amazingly versatile strength training solution. The MS40 Pro is a free-standing, combination Smith + cable machine with an innovative folding mechanism. After your workout, the pulley guide rails can be folded inward to significantly free up more space. This makes the MS40 Pro ideal for in homes and smaller fitness rooms where space is crucial. The guided barbell is directly connected to the cable machine weight stacks, so there’s no need to load and unload additional plates, saving you more time and space.

One multi-gym for an extensive variety of exercises

The multi-gym features two 90-kg weight stacks with a 1:2 resistance ratio. This allows for finer weight adjustments and a longer cable travel length to let you do more exercises with a wider range of motion. Whether you’re looking to improve your climbing ability on the boulder grips of the pull-up bar or crank out seated rows with the lowest cable connection point – the MS40 Pro has everything you need for a comprehensive full-body workout. The illustrations on the machine serve as a helpful reminder and provide a good overview of the exercise possibilities with the MS40 Pro.

Weight stacks replace barbell plates – saving you time and space

A major advantage of using weight stacks instead of round plates is the convenience and speed with which you can adjust the resistance. The MS40’s weight stacks allow you to seamlessly transition between different weights, making it especially great for circuit training and drop sets. Finish your workout sooner with increased efficiency. Both weight stacks can be used at the same time when you connect the cables with the long bar to perform lunges or bench presses, for example.

Accessories? You hardly need any!

With the Taurus MS40 Pro Folding Multi Smith and Cable Machine, you don’t need additional plates since they already come with two 90-kg weight stacks. The most important bars and handles are already included: your classic single-arm D-handles, a long and short bar, a triceps rope, lat pull-down bar, a foot strap and chain links to extend the reach of the handles. If you’d still like more handles and straps, have a look at these additional options. We especially recommend getting a weight bench. The use of a bench is simply indispensable for a number of exercises.
Taurus MS40 Pro Folding Multi Smith and Cable Machine UtmärkelserTaurus MS40 Pro Folding Multi Smith and Cable Machine UtmärkelserTaurus MS40 Pro Folding Multi Smith and Cable Machine Utmärkelser

Manual Taurus MS40

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Der Klappmechanismus war hier klares Kaufargument. Da ich dieses System vorher nicht kannte, aber auch keinen Platz für eine permanente Lösung habe, habe ich mich in der Fitshop Niederlassung überzeugen lassen. Und es funktioniert einwandfrei! Der Aufbau hat mich einiges an Zeit und Schweiß gekostet, war letztendlich aber machbar. Wer ganz zwei linke hat, sollte den Montageservice dazu buchen. Die verwendeten Materialien sind sehr wertig, daher läuft alles sehr sauber und lässt sich gut verstellen. Für mich bleiben keine Übungswünsche offen. ... [läs mer]

Manufacturer Information

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  • Fitshop GmbH
    Flensburger Straße 55
    24837 Schleswig
  • +49 04621 42100
  • info@fitshop.de
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